The opportunity to care for women in every stage of their life is what inspires me to be an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. My mission is to empower you with information and options that will enable you reach your health goals and your fullest potential. I believe in providing an opportunity to address your concerns in a comfortable environment by being approachable, respectful and understanding I look forward to the opportunity and privilege of meeting you and working with you to achieve your goals.

About Me

The opportunity to care for women in every stage of their life is what inspires me to be an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. I look forward to meeting you, to work with you to be empowered to reach your health goals and reach your fullest potential.



Personalised care to be a part of your incredible and unique journey to bring the miracle of life into this world.


Providing a comfortable environment to discuss your Gynaecological Health concerns at all stages of your life.


Able to offer a wide range of surgical options where appropriate and when all possible conservative options have been exhausted
